
Regardless if it’s a simple party or all out for a corporate event, we have the services for you.

Professional Photographers and assistants.
We have enough photographers and assistants to get the job done.

Scene Creation
We can create a scene with backdrop and faux-flooring and take photos of your guests as they arrive. Since your guest got dressed for your event, why not capture a few portraits of them at their best. This is normally done as the guest arrive; gives great incentive for guest to arrive on-time.

Special Guest Mini Session
A photo mini-session can be provided to the guest-of-honor, giving them their own moment in front of the camera.

Red Carpet
We have red carpet that can be used to give the guest that special feel when they arrive to your event.

We can provide photo-booth services to add that touch of silly to the event. Photo-booth can be an add-on or the main focus of the event. Guest are encouraged to participate in this fun light-hearted activity. Additionally images can be made available real-time either online and/or prints if you so choose.

We can capture video in 4k.

Once the event is over, it’s the photos that will provide the long lasting memories.